Best movies like Stealing Sinatra

Last updated March 2024

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Plot Summary:

In need of a grubstake, a young man convinces a couple of friends to help him kidnap Frank Sinatra Jr. It's a true story.

IMDB Rating: 5.6

IMDB Votes: 789

Genere: Biography, Comedy, Drama, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 96 min

Plot tags: humorous, realistic, semi serious


Best tv shows and movies like Stealing Sinatra (2003):


Similar in 77%

Forever, Lulu (1986)

Plot Summary:

A beautiful novelist gets involved with the violent underworld crime elements in New York City and becomes a target. Alec Baldwin plays the cop who pursues her killers.

IMDB Rating: 4.2

IMDB Votes: 426

Genere: Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller

Country: USA, West Germany

Duration: 85 min

Plot tags: humorous, realistic, semi serious

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Similar in 83%

Matt's Chance (2013)

Plot Summary:

A dark comedic tale about love, revenge, and the fickle nature of human morality.

IMDB Rating: 5.2

IMDB Votes: 2000

Genere: Biography, Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 95 min

Plot tags: realistic, humorous, semi serious, dark comedy

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Similar in 90%

Outside Ozona (1998)

Plot Summary:

A drama revolving around a group of strangers brought together by a common occurrence as well as listening to the same radio station.

IMDB Rating: 6.0

IMDB Votes: 980

Genere: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 100 min

Plot tags: road movie, offbeat, humorous, captivating, realistic, semi serious, campy

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Similar in 89%

The Cannibal's Daughter (2003)

Plot Summary:

Lucia, an children's book author, tells the story of her husband's disappearance. One day on their way to Brazil he just disappears. She goes to the police, gets a ransom note, and makes friends with the old dude downstairs and the young dude upstairs as she tries to find him. Things take a bit of a twist as she realized the kidnapping may not be as simple as it seems on the surface.

IMDB Rating: 6.0

IMDB Votes: 1000

Genere: Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Thriller

Country: Mexico, Spain, USA

Duration: 110 min

Plot tags: sentimental, realistic, semi serious, humorous, witty, crying, soap opera

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Similar in 82%

The Blue Iguana (1988)

Plot Summary:

The IRS sends Recovery Specialist Vince Holloway south of the border to the dangerous town of Diablo to rob the outlaw bank where criminals launder their cash.

IMDB Rating: 5.2

IMDB Votes: 584

Genere: Action, Comedy, Mystery, Thriller

Country: USA, Mexico

Duration: 90 min

Plot tags: neo noir, exciting, rough, humorous, serious, realistic, suspenseful, cynical, detective

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Similar in 83%

Dream with the Fishes (1997)

Plot Summary:

A suicidal man who can't kill himself agrees to finance his terminally ill neighbor's bucket list of fantasies if, at the end, the neighbor will kill him.

IMDB Rating: 6.9

IMDB Votes: 2000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 97 min

Plot tags: independent film, grim, humorous, realistic, gloomy, semi serious, surprise ending, crying, black comedy, scary

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Similar in 90%

P.S. Your Cat Is Dead! (2002)

Plot Summary:

With his life already in shambles -- his girlfriend just dumped him, he's lost his acting gig, and his cat is seriously ill -- sad-sack Jimmy Zoole (Steve Guttenberg) comes home New Year's Eve to find a gay burglar (Lombardo Boyar) looting his apartment. Taking the intruder hostage, Jimmy threatens to unleash his pent-up rage on the would-be thief but instead begins to bond with his captive.

IMDB Rating: 5.4

IMDB Votes: 659

Genere: Comedy

Country: USA

Duration: 92 min

Plot tags: humorous, realistic, witty, talky, cynical, semi serious, feel good, entertaining, light, clever

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Similar in 80%

Sparkler (1997)

Plot Summary:

Melba is a Californian trailer-park girl who is told to look for three kings by a phone psychic, and when she meets three guys - Trent, Brad and Joel traveling to Las Vegas, she decides they are those kings and joins them on a trip. In Vegas she meets her old high school pal Dottie.

IMDB Rating: 5.5

IMDB Votes: 493

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 96 min

Plot tags: independent film, offbeat, humorous, realistic, stylized, semi serious, crying

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Similar in 89%

Bone (1972)

Plot Summary:

A thief breaks into the home of a wealthy, happily married Beverly Hills couple. He soon finds out, though, that the couple is neither as wealthy as he thought they were and are not as happily married as they appeared.

IMDB Rating: 6.7

IMDB Votes: 1000

Genere: Comedy, Drama, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 95 min

Plot tags: dark comedy, grindhouse, independent film, clever, offbeat, humorous, realistic, witty, talky, cynical

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Similar in 83%

My One and Only (2009)

Plot Summary:

A mother takes her two sons on an unusual road trip from New York. Pittsburgh, St. Louis and eventually Hollywood in her quest to find a man to take care of them all.

IMDB Rating: 6.5

IMDB Votes: 9000

Genere: Adventure, Biography, Comedy, Drama, Romance

Country: USA

Duration: 108 min

Plot tags: realistic, sincere, humorous, captivating, semi serious, road movie, offbeat, crying, detective, period piece

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Similar in 89%

Man About Town (2006)

Plot Summary:

A top Hollywood talent agent finds his cushy existence threatened when he discovers that his wife is cheating on him and that his journal has been swiped by a reporter out to bring him down.

IMDB Rating: 5.5

IMDB Votes: 8000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 96 min

Plot tags: humorous, witty, semi serious, cynical, romantic drama, clever, realistic, biting, crying, suspense

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Similar in 79%

Novocaine (2001)

Plot Summary:

A dentist finds himself a murder suspect after a sexy patient seduces him into prescribing her drugs.

IMDB Rating: 5.8

IMDB Votes: 12000

Genere: Comedy, Crime, Drama, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 95 min

Plot tags: black comedy, dark comedy, suspenseful, tricky, humorous, captivating, clever, suspense, cult classic, offbeat

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Similar in 75%

The Night We Called It a Day (2003)

Plot Summary:

Based on the true events surrounding Frank Sinatra's tour of Australia. When Sinatra calls a local reporter a "two-bit hooker", every union in the country black-bans the star until he issues an apology.

IMDB Rating: 5.8

IMDB Votes: 1000

Genere: Biography, Comedy, Drama, Music

Country: Australia, USA

Duration: 97 min

Plot tags: humorous, witty, semi serious, realistic, entertaining

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Similar in 89%

A Girl, Three Guys, and a Gun (2000)

Plot Summary:

Three smalltown friends looking to leave their troubles behind come up with a robbery scheme to fund their trip to the big city. But as their plan goes awry and the authorities become involved, they are left with no other alternative but to take hostage a pair of traveling young lovebirds, with no shortage of problems of their own.

IMDB Rating: 4.6

IMDB Votes: 263

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 85 min

Plot tags: humorous, captivating, semi serious, independent film, cult film

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Similar in 88%

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002)

Plot Summary:

Television made him famous, but his biggest hits happened off screen. Television producer by day, CIA assassin by night, Chuck Barris was recruited by the CIA at the height of his TV career and trained to become a covert operative. Or so Barris said.

IMDB Rating: 7.0

IMDB Votes: 91000

Genere: Biography, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Romance, Thriller

Country: USA, Germany, Canada

Duration: 113 min

Plot tags: suspenseful, stylized, non-linear, semi serious, humorous, realistic, dark comedy, offbeat, philosophical, mind bending

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Similar in 84%

Danny Collins (2015)

Plot Summary:

An ageing rock star decides to change his life when he discovers a 40-year-old letter written to him by John Lennon.

IMDB Rating: 7.0

IMDB Votes: 33000

Genere: Biography, Comedy, Drama, Music

Country: USA

Duration: 106 min

Plot tags: sentimental, touching, inspirational, emotional, realistic, semi serious, social, novela, cult classic, powerful

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Similar in 78%

Manny & Lo (1996)

Plot Summary:

A pregnant teen and her younger sister run away from foster homes and kidnap a woman whom they believe can help with the pregnancy.

IMDB Rating: 6.6

IMDB Votes: 2000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 88 min

Plot tags: humorous, road movie, feel good, cult classic, independent film, clever, touching, realistic, semi serious, black comedy

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Similar in 85%

State and Main (2000)

Plot Summary:

A Hollywood Film unit invades a small Vermont town leading to wholesale abandonment of values and virtue. A smart, warm and funny movie - and not just for movie buffs. Tagline: When a film crew came to Waterford, Vermont - They Shot First And Asked Questions Later.

IMDB Rating: 6.7

IMDB Votes: 22000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 105 min

Plot tags: feel good, humorous, talky, funny, melancholic, cynical, stylized, realistic, clever, witty

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Similar in 79%

Man on the Moon (1999)

Plot Summary:

A film about the life and career of the eccentric avant-garde comedian, Andy Kaufman.

IMDB Rating: 7.4

IMDB Votes: 136000

Genere: Biography, Comedy, Drama

Country: UK, Germany, Japan, USA

Duration: 118 min

Plot tags: offbeat, depressing, inspirational, touching, humorous, tragicomedy, funny, factual, melancholic, sentimental

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Similar in 88%

Poolhall Junkies (2002)

Plot Summary:

A retired pool hustler is forced to pick up the stick again when his brother starts a game he can't finish.

IMDB Rating: 6.8

IMDB Votes: 11000

Genere: Comedy, Drama, Sport, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 99 min

Plot tags: clever, witty, entertaining, stylized, serious, suspenseful, rough, realistic, inspirational, suspense

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Similar in 86%

Seberg (2019)

Plot Summary:

An ambitious young FBI agent is assigned to investigate iconic actress Jean Seberg when she becomes embroiled in the tumultuous civil rights movement in late 1960s Los Angeles.

IMDB Rating: 6.0

IMDB Votes: 10000

Genere: Biography, Drama, Thriller

Country: UK, USA

Duration: 102 min

Plot tags: political thriller, tense, captivating, realistic, disturbing, depressing, political, suspense, sad, period drama

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Similar in 77%

Calendar Girl (1993)

Plot Summary:

Like many adolescent boys, Roy Darpinian had the hots for movie divas, and one in particular was his wet dream as half of America's in the 1950s: Marilyn Monroe. The difference is, one summer holiday he actually decided to enlist his spineless buddies, Scott Foreman and Ned Bleuer, to actually drive all the way to Hollywood and make as many desperate attempts as it takes to meet her or get arrested trying, and no setback or embarrassment (even publicly bare-ass) can stop or distract him. Against all odds, he finally even got a chance to help her.

IMDB Rating: 5.1

IMDB Votes: 2000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 90 min

Plot tags: teen sex comedy, road movie, independent film, sentimental, clever, feel good, humorous, realistic, semi serious, crying

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Similar in 84%

The Sessions (2012)

Plot Summary:

Though a childhood bout with polio left him dependent on an iron lung, Mark O'Brien (John Hawkes) maintains a career as a journalist and poet. A writing assignment dealing with sex and the disabled piques Mark's curiosity, and he decides to investigate the possibility of experiencing sex himself. When his overtures toward a caregiver scare her away, he books an appointment with sex surrogate Cheryl Green (Helen Hunt) to lose his virginity.

IMDB Rating: 7.2

IMDB Votes: 44000

Genere: Biography, Comedy, Drama, Romance

Country: USA

Duration: 95 min

Plot tags: touching, sexy, compassionate, erotic, humorous, sentimental, feel good, sincere, inspirational, realistic

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Similar in 83%

Reach the Rock (1998)

Plot Summary:

A small town troublemaker (Alessandro Nivola), directionless and alienated, ends up spending a night in a jail cell, where he and the police chief (William Sadler) engage in a battle of wills and wit.

IMDB Rating: 6.6

IMDB Votes: 900

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 100 min

Plot tags: humorous, realistic, semi serious, suspense, tense, independent film, biting

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Similar in 85%

Diggers (2006)

Plot Summary:

Diggers is a coming-of-age story directed by Katherine Dieckmann. It portrays four working-class friends who grow up in The Hamptons, on the South Shore of Long Island, New York, as clam diggers in 1976. Their fathers were clam diggers as well as their grandfathers before them. They must cope with and learn to face the changing times in both their personal lives and their neighborhood.

IMDB Rating: 6.3

IMDB Votes: 3000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 96 min

Plot tags: humorous, touching, realistic, witty, semi serious, period piece, independent film, biting, suspense

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Similar in 85%

Daddy and Them (2001)

Plot Summary:

When an uncle is charged with murder, the event reverberates throughout a poor Arkansas family, including a struggling musician and his wife, her mother, her sister, and his father.

IMDB Rating: 5.6

IMDB Votes: 3000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 101 min

Plot tags: touching, semi serious, realistic, independent film, psychological, humorous

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Similar in 75%

Two-Bit Waltz (2014)

Plot Summary:

Suspension from school, the loss of a friend, a broken heart and lack of inspiration lead to Maude's downfall in this romp through teenage error. Your teenage years are never easy… but for Maude, things couldn't be worse. Within one week, she is suspended from school, stranded by her best friend, dumped by the boy she loved and inherits an enormous amount of money with the passing of her grandmother– only to be claimed under one condition: Maude must prove by age 18 that she knows exactly what to do with her life. But with her 18th birthday rapidly approaching, Maude must dive into a world of self-discovery or else lose the inheritance.

IMDB Rating: 5.0

IMDB Votes: 455

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 81 min

Plot tags: semi serious, sentimental, humorous, realistic, witty, stylized, clever, offbeat, independent film

Is Two-Bit Waltz movie like Stealing Sinatra? Share your insights to help others find tv shows and movies you've viewed already that might suit them too. Aid in growing the cohort of people putting forward videos to one another. We welcome your contribution!


Similar in 79%

American Chai (2001)

Plot Summary:

The film deals with an Indian American student who wanted to pursue his love of music over the more 'typical' academic endeavors of Indian Americans (e.g., medicine, engineering, law, and business).

IMDB Rating: 6.3

IMDB Votes: 327

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 92 min

Plot tags: touching, humorous, witty, semi serious, realistic

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Similar in 77%

Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988)

Plot Summary:

Based on a true story. Shortly after World War II, Preston Tucker is a dynamic engineer and an enthusiastic showman who envisions the car of the future. Against mighty odds he manages to build a fleet of them - only to have his factory shut down by Detroit's Big Three automobile manufacturers. They took away his car - but nobody could take away his dream.

IMDB Rating: 6.9

IMDB Votes: 21000

Genere: Biography, Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 110 min

Plot tags: talky, intense, sentimental, feel good, serious, realistic, uplifting, anamorphic, historical drama, independent film

Is Tucker: The Man and His Dream movie similar to Stealing Sinatra? Contribute your insights to direct others to tv shows and movies you've watched previously that might interest them as well. Facilitate widening the network of individuals introducing videos to each other. We value your involvement!


Similar in 75%

Dog Day Afternoon (1975)

Plot Summary:

A man robs a bank to pay for his lover's operation; it turns into a hostage situation and a media circus.

IMDB Rating: 8.0

IMDB Votes: 270000

Genere: Biography, Crime, Drama, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 125 min

Plot tags: cerebral, tense, suspenseful, suspense, neo noir, captivating, disturbing, clever, intense, grim

Is Dog Day Afternoon movie similar to Stealing Sinatra? Impart your insights to lead others toward tv shows and movies you've already seen that may also captivate them. Help increase the assembly of people bringing up videos amongst one another. We welcome your contribution!

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