Best movies like Lost in Yonkers

Last updated March 2024

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Plot Summary:

In the summer of 1942 two young boys are sent to stay with their stern grandmother Kurnitz and their childlike aunt Bella in Yonkers, New York.

IMDB Rating: 6.8

IMDB Votes: 4000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 114 min

Plot tags: sentimental, touching, psychological, feel good, humorous, realistic, semi serious, funny, light, sexy


Best tv shows and movies like Lost in Yonkers (1993):


Similar in 86%

Brighton Beach Memoirs (1986)

Plot Summary:

Eugene, a young teenage Jewish boy, recalls his memoirs of his time as an adolescent youth. He lives with his parents, his aunt, two cousins, and his brother, Stanley, whom he looks up to and admires. He goes through the hardships of puberty, sexual fantasy, and living the life of a poor boy in a crowded house.

IMDB Rating: 6.8

IMDB Votes: 4000

Genere: Comedy

Country: USA

Duration: 108 min

Plot tags: funny, realistic, semi autobiographical, independent film, sentimental, touching, feel good, humorous, semi serious, tense

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Similar in 80%

I Ought to Be in Pictures (1982)

Plot Summary:

Grandmother has nothing to say when Libby tells her that she is off to LA to look up Dad, a Hollywood screenwriter. Grandmother has been in a New York cemetery for six years and Dad has been out of Libby's life for 16 of her 19 years. Libby arrives in LA on a Tuesday and phones Dad the one night that Stephanie, who does Jane Fonda's hair, stays over. Stephanie is there the next morning when Libby decides she needs to tell her story face-to-face.

IMDB Rating: 6.1

IMDB Votes: 1000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 108 min

Plot tags: sentimental, clever, touching, humorous, emotional, realistic, witty, semi serious

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Similar in 79%

Max Dugan Returns (1983)

Plot Summary:

An English teacher and struggling single mother has her life disrupted when the father who abandoned her as a child comes back into her life.

IMDB Rating: 6.7

IMDB Votes: 4000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 98 min

Plot tags: talky, feel good, humorous, semi serious, touching, realistic, detective, funny, light, clever

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Similar in 77%

The Grass Harp (1995)

Plot Summary:

Based on the novel by Truman Capote, this often-witty coming-of-age drama looks at a young man growing up with an unusual family in the Deep South in the 1940s.

IMDB Rating: 6.7

IMDB Votes: 19000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 107 min

Plot tags: sentimental, touching, offbeat, feel good, humorous, realistic, semi serious, independent film, southern gothic

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Similar in 82%

Miss Firecracker (1989)

Plot Summary:

A girl from Yazoo City, Mississippi pins all her hopes on winning the local beauty pageant.

IMDB Rating: 6.0

IMDB Votes: 2000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 102 min

Plot tags: humorous, light, talky, sentimental, semi serious, touching, feel good, independent film, clever, entertaining

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Similar in 84%

Biloxi Blues (1988)

Plot Summary:

During the Second World War, Eugene enlists in the US Army during the last year of the War and is sent to basic training in Biloxi Mississippi. There he must live with a variety of fellow soldiers while enduring the whims of a mentally unstable drill sergeant.

IMDB Rating: 6.6

IMDB Votes: 16000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 106 min

Plot tags: humorous, funny, clever, realistic, light, captivating, epic, colorful, independent film, semi autobiographical

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Similar in 88%

Only When I Laugh (1981)

Plot Summary:

A boozy Broadway actress comes out of a 12-week cure to face the problems of her best friends as well as her needy daughter. She tries to balance the terrors of returning to work with the demands of all around her with humor and insight, while staying off the booze.

IMDB Rating: 6.4

IMDB Votes: 2000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 120 min

Plot tags: sentimental, clever, touching, realistic, talky, semi serious

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Similar in 87%

Jack the Bear (1993)

Plot Summary:

Story of the relationships between two sons and their father, who moves the family to California and becomes a tv horror show host after the death of his wife.

IMDB Rating: 6.5

IMDB Votes: 4000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 99 min

Plot tags: sentimental, touching, emotional, scary, uplifting, epic, psychological, humorous, realistic, semi serious

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Similar in 84%

Unstrung Heroes (1995)

Plot Summary:

Steven Lidz, unhappy with his home life since his mother got sick, goes and lives with his two crazy Uncles. There he changes and gets closer to his Uncles, but his parents want him home even though he is finally happy and popular. Written by Todd Weiser.

IMDB Rating: 6.7

IMDB Votes: 3000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 93 min

Plot tags: sentimental, touching, emotional, offbeat, humorous, realistic, semi serious, light, atmospheric, thought provoking

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Similar in 89%

Just Looking (1999)

Plot Summary:

It's 1955. Lenny is a 14-year old boy who is totally fascinated by sex. He is too scared to "do it," so he dedicates his summer to seeing two other people do it. Easier said than done. Caught in the act of spying, his mother and stepfather ship him off to spend the summer with his aunt and uncle in "the country" -- Queens. His plan looks like a bust and his summer seems destined for boredom, until he meets a whole new group of friends -- young teens who have a "sex club.".

IMDB Rating: 6.6

IMDB Votes: 2000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 97 min

Plot tags: sexy, touching, sexual, sentimental, feel good, humorous, realistic, semi serious, sex comedy, period piece

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Similar in 80%

In Memory of My Father (2005)

Plot Summary:

The youngest son of a legendary Hollywood producer, a Robert Evans type, accepts a bribe from his father to document his death.

IMDB Rating: 5.6

IMDB Votes: 650

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA, Austria

Duration: 96 min

Plot tags: touching, humorous, cynical, semi serious, captivating, entertaining, clever, offbeat, realistic, witty

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Similar in 88%

The Buddy System (1984)

Plot Summary:

A quiet school truant officer, Joe, uncovers a young boy's attempt to fake a residential address, and subsequently gets involved romantically with the boy's mother. The truant officer waffles between a sadistic relationship with his on-again, off-again girlfriend and the mother. When one of the officer's inventions takes off, he chooses the girl and shatters the friendship with the boy and his mother. Only at the last possible moment does he figure out what he's sacrificed, and attempts to get it back.

IMDB Rating: 5.8

IMDB Votes: 1000

Genere: Drama, Comedy, Romance

Country: USA

Duration: 110 min

Plot tags: sentimental, touching, feel good, humorous, realistic, semi serious

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Similar in 76%

Kingdom Come (2001)

Plot Summary:

When her husband keels over from a stroke, Raynelle Slocumb calls the entire clan together to remember their dearly departed. Family tensions reach a comedic boil as the wildly dysfunctional Slocumbs squabble and fight their way to the funeral.

IMDB Rating: 5.5

IMDB Votes: 2000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 94 min

Plot tags: touching, humorous, light, intense, sentimental, family saga, black comedy, offbeat, feel good, realistic

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Similar in 78%

Marine Life (2000)

Plot Summary:

Marine Life revolves around the choatic family life of June, a middle-aged lounge singer and mother. Aging and twice divorced, lounge singer June Nordstrom tries to cope with her fading beauty, her troubled offspring, her waning career and her young lover, who begins seeing a woman his age behind June's back.

IMDB Rating: 5.3

IMDB Votes: 159

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: Canada, USA

Duration: 95 min

Plot tags: realistic, touching, humorous, emotional, semi serious, captivating, independent film

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Similar in 76%

As Cool as I Am (2013)

Plot Summary:

A smart teenage girl comes of age in a small town with her self-centered parents who had her when they were teenagers.

IMDB Rating: 5.8

IMDB Votes: 5000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 92 min

Plot tags: touching, humorous, semi serious, realistic, independent film, vintage

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Similar in 83%

Quitters (2015)

Plot Summary:

Quitters tells the story of the Raymans, a wealthy Jewish family that's falling apart. The son, Clark, is a bright and curious high schooler with a talent for manipulation. As his mother May enters treatment for a pill addiction, and he and his father Roger stop getting along, Clark thinks about running away from home. He just needs to decide where to go.

IMDB Rating: 5.2

IMDB Votes: 271

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 95 min

Plot tags: humorous, realistic, semi serious, captivating, independent film

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Similar in 80%

Isn't It Delicious (2013)

Plot Summary:

When Joan Weldon discovers she is dying of lung cancer, she sets out to reconcile her dysfunctional relationships with her three children, her husband, and along the way, her former best friend. The family's destructive ways are offset by messy and somewhat humorous attempts by Joan to set her children on the right course before she dies. In this big dysfunctional mix, they will all learn to connect in their own ways, and realize on their own terms what life is about.

IMDB Rating: 7.8

IMDB Votes: 70

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 104 min

Plot tags: sincere, touching, humorous, realistic, semi serious, independent film, dark comedy

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Similar in 81%

Two Weeks (2006)

Plot Summary:

In this bittersweet comedy, four adult siblings gather at their dying mother's house in North Carolina for what they expect to be a quick, last goodbye. Instead, they find themselves trapped — together — for two weeks.

IMDB Rating: 6.4

IMDB Votes: 2000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 102 min

Plot tags: touching, sentimental, humorous, realistic, spiritual, tear jerker, semi serious

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Similar in 80%

Men Don't Leave (1990)

Plot Summary:

After her husband John dies unexpectedly, Beth Macauley is unprepared for life without him. She is unemployed with no job skills and $60,000 in debt from on-going renovations to their house located in suburban Bingham. She doesn't know what to do but sell what material possessions she has, such as the family pick-up truck and the house, and move into an apartment in the city, namely Baltimore. Beth just wants to survive by finding a job she doesn't dislike, and keep her family together while trying to maintain her sanity and sense of self-worth.

IMDB Rating: 6.6

IMDB Votes: 3000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 115 min

Plot tags: sentimental, touching, humorous, sincere, feel good, realistic, semi serious, independent film, light, road movie

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Similar in 75%

The Evening Star (1996)

Plot Summary:

Continuing the story of Aurora Greenway in her latter years. After the death of her daughter, Aurora struggled to keep her family together, but has one grandson in jail, a rebellious granddaughter, and another grandson living just above the poverty line.

IMDB Rating: 5.9

IMDB Votes: 5000

Genere: Comedy, Drama, Romance

Country: USA

Duration: 129 min

Plot tags: touching, cult classic, sentimental, feel good, humorous, realistic, talky, semi serious, romantic, road movie

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Similar in 78%

Bruno (2000)

Plot Summary:

The story of a unique young boy genius, Bruno, whose expression of his own individuality leads his family and community along an emotional journey.

IMDB Rating: 6.0

IMDB Votes: 2000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 108 min

Plot tags: touching, realistic, emotional, semi serious, sentimental, humorous, inspirational, motivational, independent film, flamboyance

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Similar in 89%

Two-Bit Waltz (2014)

Plot Summary:

Suspension from school, the loss of a friend, a broken heart and lack of inspiration lead to Maude's downfall in this romp through teenage error. Your teenage years are never easy… but for Maude, things couldn't be worse. Within one week, she is suspended from school, stranded by her best friend, dumped by the boy she loved and inherits an enormous amount of money with the passing of her grandmother– only to be claimed under one condition: Maude must prove by age 18 that she knows exactly what to do with her life. But with her 18th birthday rapidly approaching, Maude must dive into a world of self-discovery or else lose the inheritance.

IMDB Rating: 5.0

IMDB Votes: 455

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 81 min

Plot tags: semi serious, sentimental, humorous, realistic, witty, stylized, clever, offbeat, independent film

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Similar in 83%

Brooklyn Lobster (2005)

Plot Summary:

Giorgio's Lobster Farm has been a tradition in Brooklyn for over 65 years. Manned by an eccentric crew and serving the best seafood in the state.

IMDB Rating: 6.3

IMDB Votes: 489

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 94 min

Plot tags: humorous, emotional, atmospheric, captivating, sentimental, sincere, touching, realistic, semi serious, semi autobiographical

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Similar in 78%

Rolling Family (2004)

Plot Summary:

A wedding invite from an estranged sibiling inspires a grandmother to assemble her family and embark on a roadtrip in a broken down caravan.

IMDB Rating: 6.5

IMDB Votes: 1000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, Spain, UK

Duration: 103 min

Plot tags: road movie, touching, semi serious, feel good, humorous, realistic, offbeat

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Similar in 84%

The Year of Getting to Know Us (2008)

Plot Summary:

A commitment-phobic man reunites with his estranged, ailing father and comes to terms with his own childhood.

IMDB Rating: 4.6

IMDB Votes: 1000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 90 min

Plot tags: touching, humorous, realistic, semi serious, offbeat, independent film

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Similar in 89%

Manhood (2003)

Plot Summary:

A black comedy about a reformed womanizer who struggles to keep his family together.

IMDB Rating: 5.2

IMDB Votes: 293

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 82 min

Plot tags: sentimental, touching, humorous, emotional, realistic, semi serious

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Similar in 84%

Kryptonite! (2011)

Plot Summary:

Set in 1970s Naples, bullied nine year-old Peppino is watching the world around him as his extended dysfunctional family change. Psychedelic flower power and hippie love is threatening the old traditional southern Italian family. Dad is having an affair and Mom has taken to her bed with depression. Super-mod brother and sister Titina and Salvatore take the boy under their wings, introducing him to demonstrations and love-ins, whilst caped superhero Gennaro visits Peppino even after being knocked down and killed by the number 12 bus. It is the imaginary appearances of this older superman cousin that help the nine-year-old navigate the complicated adult world.

IMDB Rating: 6.4

IMDB Votes: 695

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: Italy

Duration: 98 min

Plot tags: semi serious, sentimental, touching, humorous, realistic

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Similar in 84%

The Best Things in the World (2010)

Plot Summary:

Everyday family life as perfectly normal madness. “As Melhores Coisas do Mundo“ follows a few days in the life of the 15-year-old Mano, who is fighting on two fronts: his parents have just got divorced and he is going through puberty. Mano tries to make his way through life, with its first sexual experiences, his depressed brother and his self-centered parents. It’s a humorous homage to the pitfalls of daily life and the diversity of life.

IMDB Rating: 7.2

IMDB Votes: 2000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: Brazil

Duration: 100 min

Plot tags: sentimental, touching, humorous, semi serious, captivating, spectacular, realistic, queer cinema

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Similar in 82%

The Year Dolly Parton Was My Mom (2011)

Plot Summary:

Elizabeth Alison Gray is just your average suburban 11-year old waiting for adolescence to arrive when she finds out her whole life has been a lie. With only her imagination to guide her, she runs away to find the truth.

IMDB Rating: 6.2

IMDB Votes: 632

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: Canada

Duration: 95 min

Plot tags: sentimental, touching, feel good, humorous, realistic, semi serious, psychological, sincere, captivating

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Similar in 86%

Housekeeping (1987)

Plot Summary:

In the Pacific Northwest during the 1950s, two young sisters whose mother has abandoned them wind up living with their Aunt Sylvie, whose views of the world and its conventions don't quite live up to most people's expectations.

IMDB Rating: 7.2

IMDB Votes: 3000

Genere: Comedy, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 116 min

Plot tags: sad, atmospheric, realistic, thought provoking, sentimental, touching, feel good, humorous, semi serious, light

Is Housekeeping movie like Lost in Yonkers? Use your expertise to guide others towards films and tv series you've watched that they may enjoy too. Help expand the group of people recommending videos to one another. We value your input!

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