Best movies like Force of Execution

Last updated March 2024

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Plot Summary:

Seagal stars as mob kingpin Mr. Alexander, an old-school boss who rules his criminal empire with both nobility and brutality. For a simple prison hit, he sends his best enforcer and protégé Roman Hurst (Foster). When the hit goes wrong, Hurst is forced to pay the price of his failure: banishment in the city that he almost once ruled. But a war is brewing for the soul of the city between Alexander, a cold-blooded gangster known as 'The Iceman" (Rhames) and a merciless Mexican cartel. Hurst, with the help of an ex-con restaurant owner (Trejo) who has a few hidden moves of his own, will rediscover his own will to survive the coming conflict and to wreak vengeance on those who have wronged him.

IMDB Rating: 4.3

IMDB Votes: 4000

Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 99 min

Plot tags: exciting, rough, serious, realistic, suspenseful, tense, independent film

Best tv shows and movies like Force of Execution (2013):


Similar in 76%

Pimp Bullies (2011)

Plot Summary:

Five suspects holding a piece of the truth behind an unsolved crime.

IMDB Rating: 3.3

IMDB Votes: 316

Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller

Country: Dominican Republic

Duration: 78 min

Plot tags: serious, rough, realistic, suspenseful, crime drama, erotic, detective

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Similar in 82%

The Girl from the Naked Eye (2012)

Plot Summary:

Jake is a driver for a seedy escort service operating out of 'The Naked Eye strip club', he's a street thug type who falls for a witty high-class escort named Sandy. Except one night Sandy is found murdered, the only clues left behind are cell phone calls made the night she died. To avenge Sandy's death Jake must risk everything and walk a bloody path to find her killer.

IMDB Rating: 4.8

IMDB Votes: 2000

Genere: Action, Crime, Mystery, Romance, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 84 min

Plot tags: exciting, rough, serious, suspenseful, neo noir, captivating, tense, crime drama, independent film, realistic

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Similar in 77%

Kill Speed (2010)

Plot Summary:

KILL SPEED is a high-octane, youth oriented, TOP GUN meets FAST & FURIOUS tale about best friends who fly home-built, high-tech planes to deliver Mexican manufactured crystal meth throughout rural California in order to fund their Hollywood, rock-star lifestyle.

IMDB Rating: 3.8

IMDB Votes: 2000

Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 113 min

Plot tags: exciting, serious, realistic, suspenseful, neo western

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Similar in 77%

Beatdown (2010)

Plot Summary:

Brandon, a respected street fighter, is forced to flee the city after his brother is murdered and the money that was supposed to be paid back to a local gangster is stolen. While lying low at his father's house in a small Southern town, Brandon soon gets involved in the local underground cage-fighting circuit. With the help of Drake Colby, a former MMA champion, Brandon devises a scheme to bring a massive payday, if they are able to survive.

IMDB Rating: 4.5

IMDB Votes: 1000

Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 90 min

Plot tags: suspenseful, exciting, rough, serious, realistic

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Similar in 89%

Blood Money (2012)

Plot Summary:

Zheng Zhou is the most feared warrior from the Shaolin Dynasty in China. His fighting and weapons skills are legendary. But when his parents are killed and sister kidnapped, he turns to a life of drugs and crime that will almost kill him. With the help of Hong Kong's notorious Dragon Triad syndicate, Colombia's biggest drugs cartel hatches an elaborate plan to traffic two tonnes of crack cocaine through the Port of Miami in America and ultimately into Australia and China. But when the partnership turns sour after the Cartel holds a Triad family member hostage, the Triads recruit Zhou to rescue the girl and kill the Colombians. What ensues is a bloodied street war across three countries. Zhou turns international Hitman with an arsenal of hi-tech surveillance devices, explosives, high powered weaponry and an array of fighting skills dating back fifteen hundred years. But just as Zhou rescues the hostage and takes control of the entire drugs shipment.

IMDB Rating: 3.2

IMDB Votes: 611

Genere: Action, Thriller

Country: Australia

Duration: 109 min

Plot tags: exciting, serious, suspenseful, tense, crime drama, captivating, suspense, rough, realistic

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Similar in 90%

Betrayal (2013)

Plot Summary:

Vazgen "Vaz", a Mobster turned businessman, is pulled back into his past life, when his eldest son is accused of killing a Russian gangster. Now he must find a way to save his family and all that he's built.

IMDB Rating: 3.7

IMDB Votes: 192

Genere: Action, Adventure, Crime, Mystery, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 90 min

Plot tags: serious, realistic, suspenseful, independent film

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Similar in 81%

Gun (2010)

Plot Summary:

Detroit gun runner Rich (Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson) works to sniff out a traitor in his midst after being targeted by the FBI and having barely surviving a weapons deal gone awry. Rich was all set to unload a serious supply of firepower when the bullets started to fly, and Angel (Val Kilmer) saved his life. Later, as the investigation heats up, Rich's lover and supplier Gabriella (Anna Lynne McCord) starts getting paranoid. When Gabriella too finds herself on the bad end of a botched exchange, the stage is set for a shocking revelation that will rock the entire Detroit underworld.

IMDB Rating: 3.8

IMDB Votes: 4000

Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 82 min

Plot tags: suspenseful, rough, serious, realistic, hood

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Similar in 81%

Mafia (2012)

Plot Summary:

Ving Rhames, Pam Grier, and Robert Patrick headline this throwback action thriller set in 1975, and following a renegade cop who skirts the law in order to capture a ruthless crime boss.

IMDB Rating: 3.9

IMDB Votes: 673

Genere: Action, Crime

Country: USA

Duration: 78 min

Plot tags: exciting, rough, serious, suspenseful, crime drama, realistic, neo noir

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Similar in 75%

Assassins' Code (2011)

Plot Summary:

A corporate assassination forces opportunistic double agents from three nations to fight to retrieve a high-tech computer disk containing schematics for a deadly weapon.

IMDB Rating: 3.2

IMDB Votes: 190

Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 90 min

Plot tags: exciting, serious, suspenseful, tense, suspense, rough, realistic

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Similar in 90%

Hard Luck (2006)

Plot Summary:

Three converging story lines involving bootleggers, a serial killer and drug dealers are followed. A former drug dealer tries to go straight, but comes across a stash of stolen drugs. Meanwhile, a middle-aged suburban housewife hides a sadistic and vicious streak.

IMDB Rating: 5.1

IMDB Votes: 3000

Genere: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 101 min

Plot tags: suspense, serious, suspenseful, realistic

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Similar in 87%

Chicago Overcoat (2009)

Plot Summary:

The fates of an aging hitman and a washed up detective become entwined when one last job leads to one last chance to settle an old score.

IMDB Rating: 5.9

IMDB Votes: 1000

Genere: Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama

Country: USA

Duration: 94 min

Plot tags: rough, serious, suspenseful, realistic, independent film, detective

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Similar in 82%

Bullet (2014)

Plot Summary:

Danny Trejo plays 'Bullet' a tough cop who takes the law into his own hands when his grandson is kidnapped.

IMDB Rating: 4.2

IMDB Votes: 4000

Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 87 min

Plot tags: serious, rough, realistic, suspenseful, hood, crime drama

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Similar in 82%

Driven to Kill (2009)

Plot Summary:

A former Russian mobster named Ruslan, who is now a crime novelist, returns home and discovers his daughter is marrying his arch nemesis. His past also comes back to haunt him when his family is threatened. Hungry for justice, Ruslan returns to the life he once knew...with a vengeance.

IMDB Rating: 4.9

IMDB Votes: 6000

Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller

Country: USA, Canada, Russia

Duration: 98 min

Plot tags: serious, tense, captivating, psychological, exciting, bloody, action packed, rough, realistic, suspenseful

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Similar in 82%

Blood of Redemption (2013)

Plot Summary:

Quinn Forte had it all: power, money, a brother who idolized him, and a woman who loved him. He also had enemies. In the course of one night, he loses everything. Betrayed by someone in his inner circle, Quinn is set up and arrested. His father, the patriarch of the criminal empire is killed and his brother suspects that Quinn is behind it all. When he's released from jail he tries to escape the demons from his past, but that becomes an impossible task. Campbell, the ruthless new leader of "The Company" won't let him leave in peace. So instead of escaping them, Quinn fights back. He joins forces with his former henchman and friend, The Swede, and takes on his enemies head on.

IMDB Rating: 4.4

IMDB Votes: 2000

Genere: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 85 min

Plot tags: rough, realistic, serious, suspenseful, tense

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Similar in 76%

The Keeper (2009)

Plot Summary:

Roland Sallinger is an LA cop who after nearly being killed by his greedy partner, and eventually being forced to retire for medical reasons, flees to San Antonio, Texas, after being asked to work as a bodyguard for the daughter of a wealthy businessman. The businessman had been a colleague of Sallinger years before, when they were both cops. When mobsters kidnap the businessman's daughter, he hunts them down to rescue her and protect her.

IMDB Rating: 5.0

IMDB Votes: 5000

Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 94 min

Plot tags: exciting, suspenseful, rough, serious, bloody, realistic

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Similar in 81%

A Dangerous Man (2009)

Plot Summary:

After serving 6 years for a crime he didn't commit, Shane Daniels is released from jail with an apology from the State of Arizona. Within hours of his freedom, he unluckily bears witness to a cop killing by Chinese mafia who have a kidnapped girl and a bag of drug money.

IMDB Rating: 4.9

IMDB Votes: 5000

Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 94 min

Plot tags: exciting, serious, tense, captivating, suspense, action packed, rough, realistic, suspenseful, fast

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Similar in 81%

Born to Raise Hell (2010)

Plot Summary:

A hard core Interpol Agent is assigned to an Eastern European task force to target gun trafficking and dope running throughout the Balkans. While investigating a Russian gun dealer, his team is caught in a bloody street war between a Gypsy gang and the Russians, leaving one task force member dead. Fueled with vengeance, he leads us on an action packed thrill ride while avenging his friend's death.

IMDB Rating: 4.3

IMDB Votes: 5000

Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 98 min

Plot tags: rough, serious, tense, suspense, hood, realistic, fast

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Similar in 77%

Mission Park (2013)

Plot Summary:

Four friends from the rough side of town grow apart when two are consumed by a life of crime, and the other two become FBI agents sent deep undercover - to bring down those childhood friends.

IMDB Rating: 4.8

IMDB Votes: 931

Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 112 min

Plot tags: realistic, suspenseful, tense, captivating, exciting, crime drama, serious, independent film

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Similar in 85%

Rebellion (2009)

Plot Summary:

In a district within Hong Kong five gangs have an uneasy truce as they all work within the area. Chaos then ensues when triad leader Jimmy is shot. Jimmy's wife Cheung Wah then appoints his bodyguard Po as the temporary leader of the gang over Jimmy's #2 man Blackie. Po must now find the assassin, control the seething Blackie, and keep their rival gangs at bay before all hell breaks loose.

IMDB Rating: 6.1

IMDB Votes: 319

Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller

Country: Hong Kong

Duration: 100 min

Plot tags: exciting, serious, tense, captivating, psychological, rough, realistic, suspenseful

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Similar in 80%

Today You Die (2005)

Plot Summary:

A former thief who is trying to go straight seeks vengeance on those who framed him.

IMDB Rating: 4.1

IMDB Votes: 5000

Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 90 min

Plot tags: realistic, serious, suspenseful, suspense, fast

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Similar in 79%

Tell (2014)

Plot Summary:

Ethan Tell is a small time crook who makes a big-time score when he steals 1 million dollars. Ironically, his life radically changes for the worst when he discovers that stealing the money was the easy part and he now must keep his partner, his wife, his parole officer, and two corrupt detectives from stealing it from him.

IMDB Rating: 5.6

IMDB Votes: 2000

Genere: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 89 min

Plot tags: exciting, serious, realistic, suspenseful, captivating, independent film

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Similar in 82%

High Voltage (1998)

Plot Summary:

After unknowingly robbing a money laundering operation the heist crew must avoid mobsters.

IMDB Rating: 4.5

IMDB Votes: 700

Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 95 min

Plot tags: exciting, rough, serious, realistic, suspenseful, suspense, crime drama, independent film

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Similar in 77%

Zero Tolerance (1994)

Plot Summary:

After surviving a sneak attack on himself and fellow agents Jimmy and Gene as they were transporting drug kingpin Raymond Manta out of a Mexican jail, FBI agent Jeff Douglas becomes an uwitting pawn of the White Hand drug cartel. Mistakenly told that his already murdered family is being held hostage, Jeff is forced to turn one-time courier for the White Hand, whose leaders are Manta and four others named Helmut Vitch, Milt Kowalski, Russ LaFleur, and Hansel Lee. After surviving a car-bombing in Las Vegas, Jeff learns the truth about his family being murdered, and he sets out to exterminate the White Hand cartel. Unofficially aided by an agent named Megan, whose mother was raped and murdered years ago, Jeff steals FBI files and begins his campaign of revenge on the White Hand cartel.

IMDB Rating: 5.3

IMDB Votes: 655

Genere: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 88 min

Plot tags: suspense, independent film, exciting, tense, rough, serious, realistic, suspenseful, stylized, fast

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Similar in 85%

Half Past Dead (2002)

Plot Summary:

This movie tells the story of a man who goes undercover in a hi-tech prison to find out information to help prosecute those who killed his wife. While there he stumbles onto a plot involving a death-row inmate and his $200 million stash of gold.

IMDB Rating: 4.6

IMDB Votes: 17000

Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller

Country: USA, Germany

Duration: 98 min

Plot tags: rough, serious, realistic, suspenseful, action packed, exciting, christian film, intense, action thriller, non stop action

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Similar in 81%

Maximum Conviction (2012)

Plot Summary:

When former black ops operative Tom Steele and his partner Manning are assigned to decommission an old prison, they must oversee the arrival of two mysterious female prisoners. Before long, an elite force of mercenaries assault the prison in search of the new arrivals. As the true identities of the women are revealed, Steele realizes he's caught in the middle of something far bigger than he had imagined.

IMDB Rating: 4.7

IMDB Votes: 7000

Genere: Action, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 98 min

Plot tags: serious, suspenseful, exciting, rough, realistic, suspense, tense, surprise ending, independent film, freeze frame

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Similar in 80%

A Good Man (2014)

Plot Summary:

After an illustrious special ops career ends in disaster, Alexander goes off the grid and attempts to lead a quiet life as a handyman at an apartment complex. But when one of his tenants and her family fall under the thumb of a Russian gangster, Alexander is dragged into an all-out war between rival Chinese and Russian gangs; forcing him to not only defend the family, but bringing him face to face with an old foe, and giving him one more chance to reconcile his past.

IMDB Rating: 4.4

IMDB Votes: 4000

Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 100 min

Plot tags: exciting, serious, suspenseful, psychological, realistic, surprise ending, neo noir, independent film, detective, rough

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Similar in 80%

Out for a Kill (2003)

Plot Summary:

An unsuspecting university professor is an unwitting accomplice in a foiled Chinese cocaine deal. Wrongly imprisoned, he escapes to take his revenge and prove his innocence.

IMDB Rating: 3.4

IMDB Votes: 7000

Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller

Country: Aruba, USA

Duration: 90 min

Plot tags: rough, serious, realistic, suspenseful, fast, neo noir, freeze frame, campy

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Similar in 83%

Urban Justice (2007)

Plot Summary:

Seagal plays a man with a dark and violent past, who seeks revenge for the murder of his son.

IMDB Rating: 5.1

IMDB Votes: 6000

Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 96 min

Plot tags: rough, suspenseful, exciting, serious, realistic, suspense, bloody, cult classic, bleak, fast

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Similar in 86%

Pistol Whipped (2008)

Plot Summary:

Steven Seagal stars in this gritty, no-holds barred action film as an elite ex-cop with a gambling problem and a mountain of debt. When a mysterious man offers to clear his debts in exchange for the assassination of the city's most notorious gangsters, he make s decision that will change his life - forever.

IMDB Rating: 5.1

IMDB Votes: 5000

Genere: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 100 min

Plot tags: rough, serious, suspenseful, realistic, fast, detective

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Similar in 83%

Marked for Death (1990)

Plot Summary:

Just retired from the Drug Enforcement Agency, John Hatcher returns to his hometown and quickly discovers that drugs have infiltrated his old neighborhood. Determined to drive the dealers out, Hatcher crosses paths with a ferocious Jamaican drug lord who vows that Hatcher and his family are now marked for death.

IMDB Rating: 5.9

IMDB Votes: 24000

Genere: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller

Country: USA

Duration: 93 min

Plot tags: suspense, exciting, serious, suspenseful, rough, realistic, grindhouse, intense, hood, cult classic

Is Marked for Death movie similar to Force of Execution? Provide your insights to steer others to films and tv shows you've previously watched that might also engage them. Assist in expanding the group of people raising videos between each other. We value your participation!

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